Social Media Marketing by Edward Tomasso

Is your new start-up in its infancy stages?  Are you feeling overwhelmed as you attempt to tackle the promotion of your new company or product?  Maybe you aren’t even sure of where to begin! Experienced Social Media Marketer and Business Manager, Edward Tomasso, is here to help!

Backed by an entrepreneurial mindset, Edward Tomasso thrives under the pressure of a challenge.  Though young in years, the entrepreneur has already enjoyed the benefits of developing a company and product from start-to-finish.  Under the instruction of a business class, he managed a start-up known as Compresso. As elected CEO of this small business, Edward Tomasso oversaw all online marketing endeavors relevant to the company’s main product, a collapsible coffee cup.  Accomplishments of this endeavor included:

  • Earning a 103% return on all initial investments in just 10 weeks
  • Securing and maintaining the highest ranking for the search term “Compresso Cup” on Google

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