Fr. Philip Johnson is an Academic Researcher and Foreign Language Studies Translator. As someone who has lived an incredible story of overcoming a terminal illness of Anaplastic Astrocytoma, Johnson’s life is a testament to the power of perseverance, prayer and faith.
Incredible Story & Suicide Awareness Advocate
Fr. Philip Johnson has an incredible story to tell… After being diagnosed with Anaplastic Astrocytoma, a terminal illness, Johnson was faced with the ultimate decision: to live or to die. In his incredible story, Johnson overcame his terminal illness and chose life. The experience has fostered within him a passion for fighting for suicide prevention and awareness. The advocate has worked with numerous nonprofits and volunteer efforts in hopes of making a lasting impact. Johnson has spoken and written at length about his disapproval of physician assisted suicide.
Research Assistant at Hofstra University
Fr. Philip Johnson is an Academic Researcher and Foreign Language Studies Translator at Hofstra University. As a Research Assistant, Johnson is tasked with engaging in translations of historical texts for the purpose of research endeavors. Johnson primarily translates French to English, but maintains fluency in Spanish, German and Latin.
United States Naval Academy
Fr. Philip Johnson previously served in the United States Navy. For two years, Johnson served as a Gunnery Officer and Fire Control Officer. During his military career, he earned various Naval achievements, including such honors as the Surface Warfare Officer Pin, National Defence Medal, Sea Service Deployment Medal, War on Terrorism Service Medal, Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal and War on Terrorism Deployment Medal.