Bronson McClelland is a College Athlete motivated by the Human Motivation Theory and a personal drive for mental toughness. He has previously played for the Trinity Valley Community College Cardinals.
College Athlete
To Bronson McClelland, football is life. And it has always been that way! From the moment he wakes up in the morning to the second he goes to sleep, McClelland is pushing for that next achievement in his athletic career. That commitment is carried throughout the day. But it’s not just about playing the sport or even his athletic training. For McClelland, his commitment to becoming the absolute best athlete he can be is a full life experience. But what does that mean? If you ask McClelland, he’ll tell you that being the best athlete is about so much more than just the physical body. Of course, strength and fitness training, as well as general training within the sport of choice, are crucial components of an athlete’s improvement. But what has proven most pivotal in McClelland’s life is his attention to mental development and strength. The best athlete isn’t just an expert in the sport who trains their physical body and stops there. It’s also the person who embraces the notion that sports are equal parts mental and physical. And that’s exactly what McClelland cites as his driving force to improve his performance.
Motivation & Mental Strength
Bronson McClelland has researched ways to improve his mental toughness and mental strength throughout his college athletic career. One particular source of motivation for him is the Human Motivation Theory. Inspired by Abraham Maslow’s A Theory of Human Motivation, the Human Motivation Theory is a concept established by David McClelland. It’s all about identifying and tapping into an individual’s motivating drivers, or the force that compels them to push forward. Studying this concept has really helped McClelland improve his mental strength and toughness, as well as his overall performance not just out on the football field, but also in life all-around!