John Jaeger Environmental Research Mentorship

John Jaeger North Babylon Independent Researcher of Environmental Research and Wrestling Research is bartering a mentorship opportunity for independent environmental research projects.

Independent Researcher

John Jaeger is a North Babylon based Independent Researcher.  His work as a Mentor has focused on environmental research of soil invertebrates, soil diversity, aquaculture techniques and molecule research.  For his work in the Shellfish Mariculture Program and Shellfish Hatchery, Jaeger’s contributions led to the securing of grant awards from the Department of Environmental Observation. 

John Jaeger joins the Bartering Exchange Network to offer an Environmental Research Mentorship for active independent research projects.  Jaeger is bartering a Research Project Review as well as Grant Funding Application Preparation.

Product Description

Research Project Review

Seeking a peer review of your environmental research project?  John Jaeger, North Babylon Independent Researcher, is available for Research Project Review.  For this barter, John Jaeger will evaluate the quality of your research, including methodology, findings and techniques utilized.  Jaeger will mentor you through the process of critically assessing and evaluating your research, with a goal of improving your quality control.  This is an ideal opportunity for first time environmental researchers who are interested in pursuing ggrant funding and other similar awards.  

Grant Funding Application Preparation

If you are interested in pursuing grant funding applications to further or expand your environmental research, this barter from John Jaeger is ideal for you.  For this barter, John Jaeger will mentor you through the process of identifying and pursuing grant funding opportunities.  This includes preparing your research project for proposals and presentations.