Jeff Spaletta is a dynamic Business Consultant backed by years of hands-on entrepreneurial and leadership experience. Spaletta now consults Phoenix, AZ startups and established ventures to drive innovative business solutions. Entrepreneurial Pursuits: Startup Strategist Jeff Spaletta is an Entrepreneur backed by years of experience in the startup sphere of Phoenix, Arizona. Spaletta has crafted unique[Read More]
John Perrys
John Perrys is an Artist, Environmentalist, Volunteer and Community Mentor with a passion for fishing. A passionate wildlife advocate and conservation volunteer, Perrys actively supports the promotion of sustainable fishing. Fly Fisherman John Perrys is a fly fisherman who enjoys creating and collecting artificial fly baits. An avid angler, Perrys has dabbled with every type[Read More]
Catherine Sheridan Race Rock
Catherine Sheridan Race Rock is a passionate Music and Math Tutor who enjoys singing in her local choir. By joining the Bartering Exchange Network, she hopes to help other singers find their voices! Choir Singer & Music Tutor Catherine Sheridan is a proud member of her local choir. The singer deeply values the opportunity to[Read More]
Robert Kurzban
Robert Kurzban is a trusted Freelance Writer and top-rated Published Author based in Poughkeepsie, New York who also holds roles as the Founder & CEO of RE: Writers and the Director of Development with the Garces Foundation. Published Author Robert Kurzban is a well known published author and freelance writer who has contributed to acclaimed[Read More]