Thomas Witt Transportation stands as an Executive Leader at JLE Industries. Thomas Witt is an exceptional executive who is backed by a career spanning more than 40 years in the transportation services industry. Education & Training Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Management — Moravian College Thomas Witt is a proud graduate of Moravian College, where[Read More]
Jeffrey MacBride
Jeffrey MacBride, PMP is an Engineering Program Manager and Consultant who maintains a wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience in engineering, software development and strategic management. He is based in the Greater Philadelphia, PA area. Jeffrey MacBride is backed by well over fifteen years of experience as a strategic program manager in the engineering field. [Read More]
John Perrys
John Perrys is an Artist, Environmentalist, Volunteer and Community Mentor with a passion for fishing. A passionate wildlife advocate and conservation volunteer, Perrys actively supports the promotion of sustainable fishing. Fly Fisherman John Perrys is a fly fisherman who enjoys creating and collecting artificial fly baits. An avid angler, Perrys has dabbled with every type[Read More]
Nikki Brar
Nikki Brar is an Aspiring Fashion Designer and Fashion Blogger. She has traveled the world to attend the biggest events in fashion week, from New York to London to Paris! Fashion Blogger Nikki Brar is a Fashion Blogger and an Aspiring Fashion Designer. Nikki has written for both local and national fashion magazines. Located in[Read More]
Nicole Brar
Nicole Brar is a VR Fitness Instructor based in Los Angeles, CA. Nicole streams healthy recipe cooking shows, yoga classes, weight training and other home workouts live from her home to yours — no matter where you live in the world! VR Fitness Instructor Nicole Brar has been available as a Fitness Instructor and Nutrition[Read More]
Nick Stauffer
Nick Stauffer is an experienced Business Professional. Stauffer currently works as a Senior Training and Development Specialist at MacLean-Fogg Company. Nick Stauffer Photography is a freelance Family and Wedding Photography studio. Project Manager & Business Professional Senior Training and Development Specialist Nick Stauffer is an experienced project management professional and business leader. Seasoned in collaborative[Read More]
Bronson McClelland
Bronson McClelland is a College Athlete motivated by the Human Motivation Theory and a personal drive for mental toughness. He has previously played for the Trinity Valley Community College Cardinals. College Athlete To Bronson McClelland, football is life. And it has always been that way! From the moment he wakes up in the morning to[Read More]
Tom Whittemore
Tom Whittemore is a Surfing and Sailing Instructor based on the East Coast. Outside of his adventures in water sports, the sailor curates digital photography exhibits featuring underwater snapshots of marine wildlife. Surfing & Sailing Tom Whittemore is an avid water sports enthusiast. He has tried just about every water sport there is! Now he[Read More]
Judy Rodgers IRBS
Judy Rodgers IRBS is a Food & Wine Enthusiast with a passion for cooking Italian dishes and collecting Instant Pot Recipe Book Staples (IRBS). Food & Wine Enthusiast Friends and family always say that when you need a wine pairing suggestion to go with a dish: you should ask Judy Rodgers! More than just a[Read More]
Daniel Hewes East Hampton
Daniel Hewes East Hampton Health Coach and Nutritionist is an NYC based expert on Green Eating. Crafting workouts designed for the on-the-go professionals of NYC, Daniel Hewes believes that everyone has time for fitness — anytime, anywhere! Nutrition Consultant Daniel Hewes East Hampton Health Coach specializes in nutrition consultations. Offering individualized meal plans and diets,[Read More]