Cassandra Sproch TV & Movie Reviews

Cassandra Sproch, New Media Communications Professional, is offering to barter her services as a TV & Movie Reviews blog writer. Here’s how to receive a free review of your TV series or movie from Cassandra Sproch:

Product Description

TV Series Review

Are you launching a new TV series on a streaming service or platform?  Maybe your debut Limited Series is just weeks away from being released…  The time to create hype is NOW!  For this barter, New Media Communications Professional Cassandra Sproch will write a brief, spoiler-free review of the Pilot Episode of your upcoming TV series or Limited Series.  Sproch specializes in spoiler-free reviews; so you can rest assured that she won’t share any details too juicy!  Sproch has garnered a reputation for sharing spoiler-free reviews that hook the viewer… without giving too much away.  This barter is ideal for anyone launching an independent series; including YouTube series and TV series on free streaming platforms like Pluto TV and Tubi.

Movie Review

Looking for something new to watch on Hulu or Netflix?  Cassandra Sproch is a New Media Communications Professional who shares movie reviews on both free and premium streaming platforms.  For this barter, Sproch will give a three-sentence review or synopsis to entice you to watch a new movie on a streaming service.  This is an ideal barter for anyone interested in watching a new movie… And let’s face it: everyone can use a good movie recommendation!