Jeff Spaletta is a dynamic Business Consultant backed by years of hands-on entrepreneurial and leadership experience. Spaletta now consults Phoenix, AZ startups and established ventures to drive innovative business solutions. Entrepreneurial Pursuits: Startup Strategist Jeff Spaletta is an Entrepreneur backed by years of experience in the startup sphere of Phoenix, Arizona. Spaletta has crafted unique[Read More]
Sonam Saxena
Sonam Saxena is a tech industry veteran currently leading AI/ML developments in advertising at Meta. An established entrepreneur and investor, Saxena maintains various patents for inventions in the emerging tech sphere. He joins Bartering Exchange Network in hopes of collaborating with fellow innovators in A/B Testing, Bayesian inference, developer efficiency, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.[Read More]
Joseph Uglietto
Joseph Uglietto grew up on summer fishing trips and exploring the outdoors. To this day, he still maintains a genuine love for fishing. As an outdoorsman, the environment holds a special place in his heart. That’s why at an early age, he became fascinated by technology seeking to minimize the human race’s carbon footprint. Entrepreneurial[Read More]