Interior Design Consulting by Elizabeth Nimni

Looking to spice up your home in a way that feels uniquely you? Miami, Florida-based Interior Designer, Elizabeth Nimni is here to help! Taking your individual personality into consideration, the talented Home Decor Specialist can help you take your living space from drab to fab — all while accentuating who you are and what you represent!

When guests walk into Elizabeth Nimni’s home, they get a taste of who she is.  Beyond her warm welcoming personality, the decor in her household adds a splash of individuality to her living spaces.  After receiving so many compliments on her approach to Interior Design, Nimni decided to offer her services to people looking to spice up their home with a touch of personality.  Now, she’s also offering the same quality interior design consulting services right here on the Bartering Exchange Network!

Product Description

Interior Design Consulting

This particular barter is multifaceted, while specifically taking you, the barterer, into account!  You do not need to be artistically inclined, nor do you need to break the bank to enjoy the unique benefits of Elizabeth Nimni’s Interior Design Consulting!  This package is a quick taste of her full services, which include a personality test and full assortment of tips and advice.

Personality Test

To start things off, Elizabeth Nimni will ask you to complete a simple questionnaire in the form of a personality test.  This 10 question quiz will assist the Interior Designer in which direction to take your home decorating project.  In her traditional consulting, Nimni prefers to insert bits of her clients’ personalities into her designs.  She finds that by doing this, rather than relying on current trends, often makes for a living space that feels both unique and individual to her clients.  Always aiming to satisfy her clients, Nimni enjoys creating spaces that represent who her clients are and what matters to them and their families!  In many ways, this process all starts with a simple personality test to ensure that her presented designs are true to you.

The Consultation

At this stage, Elizabeth Nimni will go over the ideas you may already have for your home decorating.  If you haven’t a clue where to start — that’s no trouble at all!  Nimni will gladly help guide you through the process of determining your decoration goals.  Offering tips and tricks that she’s picked up along the way, Nimni will offer advice on where you should source your furniture, decorations and more.  She’ll also guide you through the process of determining where and how to decorate your living space.  At this time, this barter will be completed virtually via video call.


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