When Daniel McKelvey signed on to work with an AI-powered knowledge cloud called EdCast, he was thrilled for the opportunity. Although he completed his formal education in 1988 when he received his Mathematics and Computer Science degrees, McKelvey is subscribed to life-long learning. Through his promotion of the EdCast platform, he quickly realized how vital[Read More]
George Bolzoni
George Bolzoni is an active fitness training fanatic. Professionally, he has worked as a Health and Fitness Trainer, offering one-on-one training sessions. Over the years, he has risen up the ranks from Personal Trainer and beyond. He currently stands as the Operations Manager at an LA Fitness gym location. The role has introduced him[Read More]
Spencer Schneider
Spencer Schneider is a fitness trainer, nutrition specialist and dietary planner looking to barter and exchange his services within the community. In addition to health and fitness training services, he also offers guitar lessons and other music collaborations and consulting work. Background Spencer Schneider is a fitness trainer and physical health specialist. He works[Read More]
David Deusner
David Deusner is a special event freelance photographer and DIYer. He is looking to barter his abilities as a photographer and Fix-It-Guy. Deusner specializes in event photography, but is also open to portrait projects. As a DIYer, he enjoys helping others craft homemade alternatives to store bought items. David Deusner has been interested in art[Read More]